The light triggers the release of nitric oxide from blood vessels and red blood cells.  Nitric oxide causes local vasodilation that lasts several hours after the therapy session has ended.


Improving blood flow promotes positive change in patients, lessens pain and helps nerves to begin to carry sensations again.       this is a site that has a bunch of research articles for light therapy

The benefits of LED light therapy pain relief

LED light therapy is an effective way to relieve pain, and put this remedy in your hands at home. Infrared light reaches deep into tissues while red light operates closer to the surface for a safe, natural solution to pain. Our LED pads:

 Reduce pain & inflammation

 Stimulate blood circulation to promote healing

 Relax muscles

 Accelerate recovery

Will Light Therapy Work for Me?

If you’re experiencing joint or muscle pain, it’s likely that LED light therapy can be a viable solution. LED light therapy ease pain from numerous sources while also expediting the road to recovery. Consider LED light therapy for:

  • Chronic pain: Red and infrared LED lights relax muscles, increase circulation and reduce inflammation to treat chronic pain from conditions like arthritis, neuropathy, tendinitis, and more
  • Acute pain: LED therapy may provide rapid relief for acute pain and help keep it from returning
  • Muscle recovery: Athletes and patients recovering from injuries can implement LED therapy to expedite tissue repair by increasing blood flow and stimulating cellular function


LED Light Therapy and Foot Pain

LED therapy can alleviate pain in any part of the body, including the feet. Whether you’re living with conditions like arthritis or peripheral neuropathy, recovering from a foot injury, or experiencing soreness from long periods of standing, LED therapy can help.

Infrared light works deep within your feet to soothe your muscles and nerves while helping your cells go through their natural healing processes. The more you use LED therapy, the better the results. LED therapy is safe and natural, so we recommend using our devices up to three times per day. Experience relief from chronic foot pain, or recover faster from injuries that keep you on the couch.

Neuropathy is a term you may not encounter until it directly affects you or someone close to you. According to the Mayo Clinic, neuropathy is the result of damage to the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves). It causes weakness, numbness, or intense pain, most often in the extremities. The Cleveland Clinic reports that 25% to 30% of Americans will be affected by neuropathy. People from all age groups can experience it, but the risk increases with age. While it is sometimes treated with medications, drug-free home remedies like infrared light therapy can help ease the symptoms of neuropathy, as well. Learn how infrared light therapy can help relieve neuropathy-related pain and which home light therapy devices are available.

Causes and Types of Neuropathy

Neuropathy is often associated with ancillary health issues. Diabetes is one of the most common causes in the United States, but infections and injuries are known causes as well. Alcoholism, certain medications, and vitamin deficiencies can also cause neuropathy.

Neuropathy patients experience pain in their daily activities. Even simple things like walking or trying to grab an object can trigger pain in different parts of their bodies. The pain is described by some patients as a stabbing, burning, or tingling sensation.

Other symptoms neuropathy patients have to deal with include:

  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor coordination
  • Paralysis (depending on the type of neuropathy)

Because it causes such disruption to everyday activities, neuropathy is a condition patients are often eager to find an easy-to-use home device for that can address their pain without side effects. Light therapy fills that need.

How Does Infrared Light Therapy Work?

Light therapy, or LED therapy, uses LED lights in certain wavelengths (colors) to treat particular issues with the body. It is most known for its benefits treating acne, and signs of aging, but did you know it can also help with pain?

Light in the infrared and red range of the spectrum penetrates deeply to reach muscles and nerves. As the cells absorb energy from the light, they become more active, and blood flow increases. These two actions support cellular regrowth and regeneration, reduce inflammation, and repair wounds or injuries. The result is less pain.

How Infrared Light Therapy Helps with Neuropathic Pain

With neuropathy, the myelin sheath, the protective layer around the nerves, dies without adequate blood supply. Infrared Light therapy increases blood flow, which provides temporary relief and reduces pain by providing the nerve with the much-needed oxygen and nutrients to stay healthy.  With diabetic neuropathy, it encourages blood flow to extremities where it is most needed.

Patients relying on light therapy as a noninvasive alternative have reported relief after using a light therapy device. Dr. Shawn Richey, from the Neuropathy Treatment Centers of Pittsburgh, used light therapy with more than 5,000 patients, and about 70% of his patients experienced some pain relief and improved function.

Address Neuropathic Pain at Home with dpl® Infrared Light Therapy Devices

Neuropathy sufferers can use light therapy from the comfort of home. dpl® has a variety of FDA-cleared pain relief devices you can use while binge-watching your favorite series, reading a book, or as part of your self-care routine.

Finding the perfect pain relief light therapy device to reduce the pain caused by neuropathy can be a little overwhelming if you’re new to the light therapy world. Here are a few of our products we recommend:

If you are a neuropathy patient—or you have a loved one suffering from this condition—don’t wait any longer to try an infrared light therapy device. This is a safe, medication-free way to manage pain with the potential to change your lifestyle.

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